Community Projects


“When a church does not meet the needs of people of its generation, it has failed its mission» Martin Luther.


…Some disturbing statistics…

N.B. Though references are not mentioned here, please rest assured that the following figures are recent and indeed taken from official surveys. Therefore, they paint an accurate picture of the problem described below.

In Great Britain,

a) The Family

-Marital unfaithfulness is the main cause of nearly 25% of divorces

-The divorce rate caused by family conflicts rises as high as 18%

-Out of 100 marriages, 5 cases of extreme domestic violence have been recorded

-75% to 90% of domestic violence in a household occurs in front of children

-25% of children live in a single-parent home

b) The Youths

-The number of young people attacked with a blunt weapon is 72% higher than 10 years ago.

-The youth pregnancy rate is the highest in all Europe

-The number of abortions on young girls is constantly soaring

-17% of young drivers admit smoking cannabis, 12% confess sniffing cocaine, and 10% admit taking ecstasy pills

-30% of young people aged under 18 declare loving to get drunk.


Disturbing figures, are they not?

Furthermore, considering that the actual reality tends to go from bad to worse, there is a real cause for concern and indeed for immediate action!

“Action”…is the key word!

How long before we decide to stop the troubling damage in our families? How long before we choose to prevent our young people from killing one another, thus jeopardizing their otherwise bright future? How long before we decide to keep our young girls away from indecency in a society where  immorality has become an acceptable life style?

At the Rock of Ages Christian Assembly, we humbly believe that in Christ Jesus we hold the only solution to these serious issues. We are determined to fully play our part in dissipating the darkness around us and in effectively responding to the numerous cries for help of a dying society. (Rom 8:19)

In partnership with the Croydon Voluntary Action (*), and many other independent individuals, all of whom are concerned enough to take action and tackle these issues, ACRA has set up a Community Project named Family Hope, since 2009. Its main goal is to put back together all the bits and pieces of a shattered Family and to once more ignite the flame of hope in the disturbed lives of our young people. .  

In order to achieve this, we need:

1) To thoroughly assess the depth of these issues, particularly within the Diaspora community.

2) To analyze the real causes (economic, social, cultural...) underlying this moral chaos.

3) To adopt an efficient strategy (preventive or curative) in order to tackle and stop these issues from getting worse.

4) To ensure a follow-up ( on a short-term/mid-term/long-term basis)  where necessary.

The task is colossal, the workers are few…

Hence, this impassioned plea for help to our readers…:

If you are moved and concerned by this cause, if you perceive the deafening cry for help from our community, if you can support through your knowledge and experience, then please lend a much-needed helping hand to “Family Hope”. In so doing, we hopefully shall put back a lovely smile on the faces of many people affected by these issues.. 

Though its beginnings are small, we pray that this noble project will grow bigger and become influential enough to respond, in the words of Martin Luther, “to the pressing needs of people in our community”.

For more information, please contact:

Mr. Vincent Depol Cibwabwa: Tel:07817750406 / E-mail :

*CVA (Croydon Voluntary Action) is a Charity based in Croydon, South London. One of its objectives is to comprehensively reduce antisocial behavior, especially among young people. (


“When a church does not meet the needs of people of its generation, it has failed its mission" Martin Luther.


 “ In Great Britain, the divorce rate caused by family conflicts rises as high as 18%” 


 “A worrying statistic: in Great Britain, 30% of young people aged under 18 declare loving to get drunk” 


 “FAMILY HOPE main goal is to once more ignite the flame of Hope in our troubled families"

Papa Vincent Depol Cibwabwa

Papa Vincent Cibwabwa(Project Coordinator)